For some people that Friday feeling is much more than that. It is the end to a horrible week at work where you feel uncertain, unsafe, unhappy.

Ever had that situation where someone asks you...
“Have I upset you?
Did I do something wrong?
I sense that things aren’t quite right between us.”
Where in fact you were completely oblivious and had not noticed anything at all?
Or have you been in the other place. Where you think you may have said something which might have been taken the wrong way? Or something in the heat of the moment that you didn’t really mean and you now regret? And you think it may be affecting things at work but you don’t know how to put it right without causing more waves?
The eco-balance in a team at work pushing hard to meet goals and objectives, can be seriously damaged by these sorts of undercurrents.
But if, as an employee, you think your job may be affected if you say something, you end up thinking “best to say nothing, and …roll on Friday.”
As a mediator I would like to share ways of diffusing these situations quickly, efficiently and relatively painlessly. This can either be by way of a short mediated confidential conversation or by letting you know more about putting a conflict pathway into place at work. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.